The autumn of life has its own rules. Seniors often have to give up many previous activities, there are also problems related to mental and physical health. How to keep your child entertained? Reading books allows you to escape from everyday worries for a while. In addition, it has a positive effect on the mind and protects against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. How to choose the right books, so as to really provide the senior with entertainment?

Why is it important to encourage seniors to read??

For seniors, reading can be more than that, than just entertainment. Reading valuable books relieves mental ailments and improves the overall state of mind. How else reading affects the mental health of seniors? According to numerous studies, indulging in reading:

  • develops imagination,
  • stimulates creativity,
  • relaxes,
  • helps with memory and concentration problems,
  • reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

How to choose the right books for seniors?

Find out what books your mentee likes

Getting to know the preferences of the senior will help in choosing the right book. Some people prefer guidebooks to non-fiction literature, others history or culinary books. A może Twój The pupil ma ulubionego autora? Therefore, look at the senior's library and encourage him to read. This is the best time in his life to catch up on reading. Dodatkowo rozmowa na temat ulubionych książek to świetny sposób na aktywizację i zacieśnienie więzi z podopiecznym.

Choose books with large print

Do you know, that as many as one in three elderly people struggle with eye disease?
Vision problems effectively discourage seniors from reading and deprive them of valuable entertainment and relaxation. As a caregiver, you can remedy this by choosing books with large print.

Check the literature dedicated to seniors

More and more books are being written now, where the heroes are seniors. They bring the problems of the elderly closer, and thus motivate, they play, they are moving and provide many experiences. Pay attention to the plot of the book. Jeśli tylko Twój podopieczny lubi literaturę obyczajową, wybierz takie historie, z którymi może się utożsamićo miłości, przyjaźni, relacjach międzyludzkich i o tym, co w życiu ważne.

Wybierz światowe bestsellery i pięknie wydane albumy

Istnieje pewien kanon książek- bestsellerów, które każdy powinien choć raz w życiu przeczytać. Należą do nich

  • „Mały Książę” Antonine’a de Saint-Exupery’ego
  • „Świat Zofii” Josteina Gaardera
  • „Kto zabrał mój ser?” Spencera Johnsona

Książki te zmuszają do refleksji, they move and motivate to positive changes.
If your ward suffers from dementia or Alzheimer's disease, choose albums. Multicolored photographs and images have a positive effect on the brain and improve well-being.