Is there a way, to perform the caregiver's duties faster and better and earn more? The answer is simple: So. It is investing in the development of interpersonal skills and improving your professional qualifications. How to expand your knowledge and skills in the profession of a caregiver for the elderly?

Knowledge of foreign languages

Most well-paid and attractive offers concern work abroad. Therefore, knowledge of. German language is essential, jeśli chce się pracować jako opiekun lub opiekunka osoby starszej w Niemczech. The better you know the language, the better the contact with the client, and thus a chance for better and better orders. Raising qualifications in this area is therefore very important. To do this, it is worth signing up for a course or polishing skills on your own. There are so many ways to learn languages ​​these days, e.g.. using the app, private lessons or group training.

Courses and specialized training

Completing which courses is useful in caring for the elderly? It is definitely worth taking a first aid course. In addition, many post-secondary schools offer courses such as:: caregiver or caregiver for the elderly. This form of education, in addition to the title, will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge in the field: psychology, physiology and activation of the elderly, old age diseases or elderly care (hygiene and care), sign language and foreign language.

In addition, it is worth considering a driving course, having it is a big plus. Especially when our responsibilities will include, for example,. shopping.

Information update

We live in the era of universal access to knowledge. Acquiring valuable information is not something difficult these days. Especially after the pandemic, There are many new online courses on the market, thanks to them you can gain useful knowledge without leaving your home. Of course, beforehand, it is worth getting acquainted with their program carefully, and check reviews. In addition, it is worth checking recommended books from time to time, guides and thematic magazines.

Why it is worth constantly improving your qualifications?

There are at least a few reasons. First of all, thanks to expanding your competences, you will perform your duties more efficiently and faster. Secondly, you will gain more self-confidence in the context of your profession. Thirdly, you will strengthen your position on the labor market. remember, In Germany you have a lot of competition among carers of the elderly. Fourthly, by investing in acquiring new skills, you give yourself a chance to find a job with a higher salary.

In addition to expanding the so-called specialist competences (hard) it is worth investing in the development of soft skills, such as: managing stress and emotions, interpersonal communication, assertiveness. The quality of your work will largely be affected by how you deal with your emotions. Not coping with stress and difficult situations is one of the main reasons for quitting the job of a caregiver. Pamiętaj o dokumentowaniu zdobywanych kwalifikacji. W procesie rekrutacji przydadzą się wszelkie certyfikaty i referencje, wpływają one na wzrost wynagrodzenia.