The period of spring months is an extremely joyful time, in which all the surrounding nature comes to life. Long and sunny days, pleasant temperature and the singing of birds from everywhere not only encourage walks and physical activity outside, but it also improves your mood, it increases the level of optimism and brings a smile to your face. However, spring is also a time of intensification of various types of allergies, which seniors should especially watch out for. Why spring allergies can be so dangerous for them? Well, seniors are characterized by lower immunity and more diseases and illnesses, and allergies can not only intensify these ailments, but also significantly reduce the comfort of everyday functioning. Fortunately, there are several proven methods, to reduce the unpleasantness of allergies and help seniors survive this difficult time in good condition. And what is important - every caregiver of the elderly can use many ways to deal with these ailments in her work.

First of all – the allergy sufferer's calendar

Watering and red eyes, sneezing, train, rash, shortness of breath, skin itching or all kinds of inflammation - these are just some of the symptoms of allergies, that may happen to a senior affected by this seasonal ailment. Therefore, the first step babysitters elderly people is to learn - at least to a minimal extent - the so-called allergy calendar. What does this name mean?? Well, the allergy sufferer's calendar presents information regarding this very precisely, what plants pollinate in specific months. For example, thanks to such a calendar you can easily find out, that the turn of winter and summer is the time of hazel pollen, alder or yew. In the following weeks, the poplar comes to the fore, oak, pine, birch or spruce. Additionally, spring and summer mean constant dusting of weeds and cereals. With this knowledge, the caregiver can prepare for a difficult allergy season and plan her activities accordingly, to help the senior as much as possible. If he also has knowledge, What exactly is the senior allergic to?, then such help can be even more effective. Additionally, it is worth following any announcements and forecasts for allergy sufferers, which show the pollen time and its strength. In this way, the caregiver for seniors is prepared for every eventuality.

Secondly, daily activities that reduce allergic symptoms

There is no doubt, that spring and summer are difficult times for seniors affected by allergies. Fortunately, the caregiver is not completely without weapons in this unequal fight. Sometimes just a few daily habits and actions are enough, to facilitate the senior's daily functioning. Among them it is worth mentioning:
drying clothes and bedding inside (which will reduce contact with pollen)
avoiding airing the apartment during the hours of highest pollen concentration (between 5 i 8 in the morning and 17 i 19 in the afternoon)
frequent washing takes care of it, for the senior to drink the appropriate amount of fluids (that remove allergens from the throat mucosa) bathing the patient frequently and taking care of it, for seniors to wear sunglasses while walking (which allows you to limit the contact of pollen with the eye mucosa) using mild cosmetics, hygiene and washing products (to avoid additional skin irritation) using saline in the nose (which allows for cleaning the mucous membrane)
appropriate humidification of rooms, installation of air filters.
Additionally - and this is also important - it is worth introducing products with a high content of vitamin C into the senior's diet. This vitamin not only reduces the production of histamine in the body, but also has anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties.

Third – antihistamines

Many seniors - depending on the symptoms and severity of allergies - are forced to take antihistamines. This happens then, when previously used methods do not bring sufficiently good results. In such a situation, the caregiver's job is to control, for the senior to take medications at a specified frequency and in appropriate doses. Additionally, the caregiver should be especially vigilant when the senior is taking this type of medication. Antihistamines may cause side effects or interact with medications you take for other conditions. In such a situation, the caregiver must react quickly and take appropriate steps. An equally important task of the caregiver is to take care of it, so that the patient has access to a specialist, who will verify the scale of the problem and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Allergies in seniors can be very unpleasant, burdensome and additionally dangerous. Here, the role of the caregiver is extremely important. This is what can ensure a higher comfort of a senior's everyday life, and, if necessary, respond appropriately.