Get to know the first symptoms of your child's memory problems and find out, how to support it.

How to recognize memory impairment in the elderly?

The human brain is a muscle, which decreases in size and weight with age. The number of neurons decreases, which can lead to problems with concentration and memory. Older people begin to forget events, which have been stored in long-term memory for many years, but they are also increasingly missing out on situations, short-term memory data. This affects, among other things, a sense of security, Self-Esteem, orientation in space. It can also contribute to a desire to isolate, apathy, and even depression.

Characteristic symptoms, it is forgetting about your daily activities, duties, important dates, which have not been a problem so far, losing items, more and more slow recall of words, difficulty getting from one place to another, time disorientation, abrupt interruption of dialogue and loss of the plot.

How to help a senior with memory disorders in everyday activities?

Effective ways to improve memory in seniors

The brain, like any muscle, can be exercised, supporting its functioning. Like elderly caregiver, talk to her a lot, encourage, if possible, recalling further memories of youth, childhood, view photo albums. Include current topics in your conversations. Memory games or word games are great. where you create a string of words, adding one at a time and repeating all the previous ones in the correct order each time. Encourage the mentee to read or read to him, do crossword puzzles, sudoku, crosswords, watch game shows. Suggest the senior to keep notes from each day and review them regularly.

How to help a senior with memory disorders in everyday activities?

It is important, to stimulate the senior mind. Don't do everything for him, don't tell me right away, let him think, search in memory. When will it stop doing that, the situation will only get worse.

However, you must ensure that you take your medications regularly. Containers with compartments for tablets and setting reminders on the phone work well.

Watch too, that the senior should eat and drink plenty of water. Unfortunately, forgetting about such basic activities happens and is extremely dangerous.